• 14 February 2019, Thursday
  • Moscow

OpenTalks.AI - international conference on Artificial Intelligence

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1896 дней назад
с 9:00 14 February до 21:00 16 February 2019

OpenTalks.AI is a conference about AI for all stakeholders: leading scientists, engineers, large business, SMEs, startups, investors and government agencies. It is a place for presentation best solutions in AI from Russia and abroad and discussing AI phenomenon from different aspects – science, business, ethics, legal and philosophy. More informaton on conference website www.OpenTalks.ai

OpenTalks.AI is a place for presentation of leading R&D and AI solutions from Russia and abroad and discuss AI phenomenon from all sides – science, business, ethics, legal and philosophy. Tell community about you and your work, network, find your partners, customers and partners.

Three days of full dive into Artificial intelligence:

  • February 7 - Science day
  • February 8 — Business day

In "Science" day you will listen to science and technological talks in different fields of AI appliction and meet to leading specialists on computer vision, natural language processing, data analsis and predictive analytics. You will see science visionaries, talking about last trends in AI development.

In "Business" day there will be presentations on big and small companies, which arleady have working AI solutions for medicine, retail, lawyers, marketing, security, industry. We gather most bright speakers from leading companies in each field. You will see real cases, working in industry, find potential partners and customers.

More informaton on conference website www.OpenTalks.ai



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